Inferno version 2.0
  • description

    A not sucky version of Hell

  • authors

    Sasquatch 18

  • downloads
    voxlap .vxl 6.11 MiB
    pyspades .txt 1.24 KiB
  • tags

    Water damage 🌊

  • text file
    name = 'Inferno'
    version = '2.0'
    author = 'Sasquatch'
    description = ('A not sucky version of Hell')
    extensions = { 'water_damage' : 100 }
    from random import randrange, choice
    from pyspades.constants import *
    from pyspades.server import ServerConnection
    from commands import choice
    def get_entity_location(team, entity_id):
        if entity_id == BLUE_FLAG:
            return (11, 388, 61)
        if entity_id == BLUE_BASE:
            return (11, 179, 61)
        if entity_id == GREEN_FLAG:
            return (498, 388, 62)
        if entity_id == GREEN_BASE:
            return (498, 168, 62)
    spawn_locations_blue = [
        (11, 388, 61),
        (11, 179, 61),
        (3, 179, 54),
        (11, 235, 61),
        (3, 235, 54),
        (12, 335, 61),
        (3, 336,54),
        (2, 348, 56)
    spawn_locations_green = [
        (498, 388, 62),
        (498, 168, 62),
        (509, 168, 55),
        (497, 221, 61),
        (508, 221, 55),
        (497, 270, 61),
        (507, 270, 55),
        (508, 388, 55)
    def get_spawn_location(connection):
        if is connection.protocol.blue_team:
    	x, y, z = choice(spawn_locations_blue)
    	return x, y, z
        if is connection.protocol.green_team:
    	x, y, z = choice(spawn_locations_green)
    	return x, y, z
    fog = (70, 10, 5)