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  1. Cocoa: Remove support for OS X 10.10 Yosemite (commit: 8b57403) (details)
  2. Cocoa: Add QuartzCore as a link-time dependency (commit: 97892c6) (details)
  3. Update macOS OpenGL compatibility notes (commit: dfebad7) (details)
  4. Wayland: Fix possible segfault on drag enter (commit: 51b6434) (details)
  5. Wayland: Cleanup (commit: 64906f8) (details)
  6. Wayland: Cleanup (commit: b35641f) (details)
Commit 8b574030a847febcf90f365a9084dec1f2157d35 by elmindreda
Cocoa: Remove support for OS X 10.10 Yosemite

Fixes #2506
(commit: 8b57403)
The file was modified src/cocoa_monitor.m (diff)
The file was modified .github/workflows/build.yml (diff)
The file was modified src/nsgl_context.m (diff)
The file was modified src/cocoa_window.m (diff)
The file was modified include/GLFW/glfw3.h (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit 97892c60373f2e3c12e3f119d3788ad38a18c170 by elmindreda
Cocoa: Add QuartzCore as a link-time dependency
(commit: 97892c6)
The file was modified src/cocoa_window.m (diff)
The file was modified src/CMakeLists.txt (diff)
The file was modified docs/ (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit dfebad786d2bc00b2d63ff71b3fbeb75a1e513d6 by elmindreda
Update macOS OpenGL compatibility notes
(commit: dfebad7)
The file was modified src/nsgl_context.m (diff)
The file was modified docs/ (diff)
Commit 51b6434ac46a3a8b852679486f57b5e924b312dc by elmindreda
Wayland: Fix possible segfault on drag enter

Found with Clang static analysis.
(commit: 51b6434)
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified src/wl_window.c (diff)
The file was modified src/wl_window.c (diff)
The file was modified src/wl_window.c (diff)