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#144 (Apr 16, 2024, 12:34:07 PM)

  1. Cocoa: Remove support for OS X 10.10 Yosemite (commit: 8b57403) — elmindreda / githubweb
  2. Cocoa: Add QuartzCore as a link-time dependency (commit: 97892c6) — elmindreda / githubweb
  3. Update macOS OpenGL compatibility notes (commit: dfebad7) — elmindreda / githubweb
  4. Wayland: Fix possible segfault on drag enter (commit: 51b6434) — elmindreda / githubweb
  5. Wayland: Cleanup (commit: 64906f8) — elmindreda / githubweb
  6. Wayland: Cleanup (commit: b35641f) — elmindreda / githubweb

#143 (Mar 30, 2024, 12:34:07 PM)

  1. Wayland: Fix leak of surface scaling objects (commit: 42dc1ff) — elmindreda / githubweb
  2. Null: Add Vulkan 'window' surface creation (commit: 860c8ef) — elmindreda / githubweb
  3. Null: Add limited EGL context creation on Mesa (commit: 738dd6f) — elmindreda / githubweb
  4. Fix missing assertions for native access functions (commit: 38ec7ab) — elmindreda / githubweb
  5. Place assertions for handles after init check (commit: 68dcea0) — elmindreda / githubweb
  6. Allow C99 booleans (commit: 072f660) — elmindreda / githubweb
  7. Wayland: Fix segfault when there is no seat (commit: 3573c5a) — elmindreda / githubweb
  8. EGL: Allow native access with defaults on Wayland (commit: 228e582) — elmindreda / githubweb