Suspension version 1.0
  • description

    Push map where teams must repair a destroyed suspension bridge to reach the main island.

  • authors

    Influx 27

  • downloads
    voxlap .vxl 2.44 MiB
    pyspades .txt 423 bytes
  • tags

    Water damage 🌊 Push 🏝

  • text file
    name = 'Suspension'
    version = '1.0'
    author = 'Influx'
    description = ('Push map where teams must repair a destroyed suspension bridge',
    'to reach  the main island')
    extensions = {
    'push': True,
    'push_spawn_range' : 5,
    'push_blue_spawn' : (55, 211, 43),
    'push_blue_cp' : (413, 256, 13),
    'push_green_spawn' : (55, 300, 43),
    'push_green_cp' : (413, 251, 13),
    'water_damage' : 100,
    'user_blocks_only' : True