Christmas Pinpoint version 1.0
  • description

    Team R3S et BP

  • authors

    massilia 4 Goneskill 1

  • downloads
    voxlap .vxl 2.12 MiB
    pyspades .txt 1019 bytes
  • tags

    Water damage 🌊

  • text file
    name = 'christmas'
    version = '1.0'
    author = 'Team R3S and co- Massilia - Goneskill'
    description = ('Team R3S et BP')
    protected = ['D4','D5', 'E4', 'E5']
    extensions = {
             'water_damage' : 10
    # scripting
    from pyspades.constants import *
    from pyspades.server import ServerConnection
    def get_entity_location(team, entity_id):
        if entity_id == BLUE_FLAG:
            return (79, 237, 59)
        if entity_id == BLUE_BASE:
            return (79, 237, 59)
        if entity_id == GREEN_FLAG:
            return (432, 274, 59)
        if entity_id == GREEN_BASE:
            return (432, 274, 59)
    def get_spawn_location(connection):
        if is connection.protocol.blue_team:
            # sets a static spawn for just the blue team, but you could use "green_team" too.
            return (79, 237, 59)
        if is connection.protocol.green_team:
            # sets a static spawn for just the green team, but you could use "blue_team" too.
            return (432, 274, 59)