CheckerArenas version 1.0
  • description

    Words can not describe the checker awesomeness!!!

  • authors

    Dany0 51 Supercool 16

  • downloads
    voxlap .vxl 2.17 MiB
    pyspades .txt 867 bytes
  • tags

    Water damage 🌊

  • text file
    name = 'CheckerArenas'
    version = '1.0'
    author = 'Dany0 and Supercool'
    description = 'Words can not describe the checker awesomeness!!!'
    extensions = { 'water_damage' : 200}
    # script
    from pyspades.constants import *
    import random
    def get_entity_location(team, entity_id):
        if entity_id == BLUE_FLAG:
            return (240, 317, 52)
        if entity_id == GREEN_FLAG:
            return (241, 194, 52)
        if entity_id == BLUE_BASE:
            return (284, 304, 51)
        if entity_id == GREEN_BASE:
            return (284, 207, 51)
    def get_spawn_location(connection):
        if is connection.protocol.green_team:
            return (random.randrange(327,332), random.randrange(188,190), random.choice(((46),(58))))
        if is connection.protocol.blue_team:
            return (random.randrange(327,332), random.randrange(321,323), random.choice(((46),(58))))