name = 'Maze' version = '1.0' author = 'Gibbs3333' description = ('Team R3S') protected = ['D4','D5', 'E4', 'E5'] fog = (0, 0, 0) extensions = { 'water_damage' : 100 } # scripting from pyspades.constants import * from pyspades.server import ServerConnection def get_entity_location(team, entity_id): if entity_id == BLUE_FLAG: return (255, 255, 50) if entity_id == BLUE_BASE: return (290, 290, 56) if entity_id == GREEN_FLAG: return (256, 255, 50) if entity_id == GREEN_BASE: return (221, 221, 56) def get_spawn_location(connection): if is connection.protocol.blue_team: # sets a static spawn for just the blue team, but you could use "green_team" too. return (223, 288, 48) if is connection.protocol.green_team: # sets a static spawn for just the green team, but you could use "blue_team" too. return (288, 223, 48)