name = 'Capitol' author = 'Ki11aWi11' version = '1.3' description = 'Prepare for intense urban warfare as you try to occupty the Capitol!' # script from pyspades.constants import * import random def get_entity_location(team, entity_id): if entity_id == BLUE_FLAG: x, y, z = 76, 155, 57 return (x, y, z) if entity_id == GREEN_FLAG: x, y, z = 435, 154, 57 return (x, y, z) if entity_id == BLUE_BASE: x, y, z = 173, 224, 59 return (x, y, z) if entity_id == GREEN_BASE: x, y, z = 338, 224, 59 return (x, y, z) def get_spawn_location(connection): if is connection.protocol.blue_team: x = random.randrange(90,219) y = random.randrange(189,359) z1 = 59 return (x, y, z1-1) if is connection.protocol.green_team: x = random.randrange(300,413) y = random.randrange(189,359) z1 = 59 return (x, y, z1-1)